What Will Your Child Do This Summer?!

If you do not have plans for your child this summer, it is not too late. Does your town, or a nearby town, have a recreation department with activities or even a day camp? I have referred many parents over the years to look at the American Camp Association website: https://www.acacamps.org/. You can search for a camp by location, interests, cost, weeks needed, and also find specialized camps such as for children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) for instance. Some camps have counselors/therapists on staff that can handle your child’s challenges more effectively. If you have the luxury of being home in the summer, the local library is a definite source for fun and engaging programs. Keep in mind that they may have limited weekend summer hours depending on your library. Joining the summer reading program is a must even if your child is not reading independently. Attend one of the, oftentimes, weekly programs to meet other parents, share challenges, and simply support each other. Your child(ren) will then have the benefit of socializing with other children their age in these age specific programs. If your child is in daycare, while you work during the week, these weekend programs give you the benefit of watching them interact with other children. Whether or not you choose to sign your child up for something structured like a camp or follow a bucket list of things (Pinterest has great ones) you’d like to do this summer, have fun with your child(ren) because they will only be this age once!